Here comes the Shenzhen Starpery Technology Roadmap for future product requirements for our TPE sex dolls. We hope that everyone will realize their dream and find happiness with our articles. Our plan is as follows:
In 2020 we will be making the textured skin for silicone dolls, new finger bindings and other apery features.
In 2021 we will have the talking dolls, he or she can accompany those old people who might commit suicide because of loneliness.
In 2023, the first Starpery running sex doll will be born, people will be able to walk and talk to her.
In 2025 we will have the first Starpery smart sex doll robot,
In 2030, it will protect people from dangerous jobs or problems. For example, she can do homework.
For the next 10 years, Starpery will focus on our mission: Let the robot "serve people and protect people". Here we write our dream and hope that the dream can contact each other.