High Quality Silicone Dolls, the "IncridiDoll" brand (Y. Becker USA)
EDITORIAL NOTE : Mr. Yves Becker (inventor / creator) is the maker of our gorgeous and sexy IncridiDoll models. Since 2003, he has been developing and selling these models / items, based out of United States to all across the world, under his own brand & webpage "www.MechaDoll.com"! Mr. Becker has given the exclusive rights to MECHTECH (www.siliconedolls24.com) to offer and sell these models. And as per the right given and according to the trademark we have the right to declare these models as "IncridiDoll" models, to offer as exclusively and deliver reliably!
Love doll, mannequin, sex doll, real doll or personal companion - you decide yourself.
Our © IncridiDoll model is a completely functional full-body model of silicone. It is made with three inlets: oral, vaginal, and anal inlet. Our © IncridiDoll models are equipped with an individual, very nice bust size (see above for chest size). All the body parts of the © IncridiDoll models including the breasts and more are made completely of medical silicone. The entire body parts are natural, super jiggly soft in moving picture. Our models come equipped with many silicone density zones, and all these feel as natural as a real woman depending on the extremities. Thus, we have been able to provide you with authentic feelings that you are able to get from realistic, man-like, which are freely generated and easily experienced with pleasure.