Why we need the robot doll

Why we need the robot doll

The robot has 2 types in the doll's business. One is an AI robot that can play the sounds by an interior speaker. She has the ability to recognize the voice and find the answer from the internet or local memory. She is almost the same as Siri on the iPhone. Some advanced models add the mouth and eye movement system on her. Another robot in the doll's business is a sex robot. She can move the head to do the blowjob and move the body to make sex. She is designed only for sex.

These 2 types of robots have different customers. The AI robot comforts the lonely people who live alone and want a talk to release the spiritual press. Many people think it's ridiculous to talk with AI like Siri. That people who live under the press of hard work, the bad relationship needs a way to release the press otherwise they will be very anxious. They don't care about the answer from the AI robot doll is ridiculous or correct. What they need is just talking. It's much better to talk to the air without any reply. In fact, more and more people need this type of AI robot doll following the fast-changing of the world.


The sex robot doll was devised purely for sex only. Human sexual desire is an original human requirement; without this drive, humanity would not exist. A sex robot model brings a higher or better feeling to simulated sex with a love doll. Having sex with a stationary love doll can seem disreputable at times. Because a model cannot give an answer after an action. This may make the individual sexual experience negative. To avoid this situation, the heating function and the moaning function are added to a doll production. But the most important part of any sexual act is the body's response. The SEdoll sex robot is the solution. She can not only do the blowjob for you but also perform the act herself for you and thus every simulated action is a little more fair in terms of the authenticity of a sex act. . That which should make a real sexual experience comes closest.

SE Doll Sexbot-Mouth