DreamDoll - informs about experiences with TPE & silicone dolls.
TPE = thermoplastic elastomers
Thermoplastic elastomers (also called elastoplasts, abbreviated TPE) are plastics that behave at room temperature comparable to the classic elastomers, but can be plastically deformed or deformed under heat supply and thus show a thermoplastic behavior.
Before we tell you how these plastic TPE dolls made of plastic are made, we frankly admit that we stand behind our absolutely high-quality and at first glance unfortunately somewhat expensive medical silicone dolls / the so-called "RealDoll" productions without compromise , Not only because we make our money with it but because these higher quality models fortunately for our customers an extremely high rank in the durability, reliability, smoothness, robustness, naturalness and much more. taking. The models made of TPE just can not compete with that. TPE costs 2.00 Euro / per liter. Medical silicone costs 36.00 Euro / liter. The quality has its price, that knows every customer, so you alone see the price, as it must be ordered to the TPE.
Many customers spent a lot of money on TPE dolls because they thought they had acquired a beautiful and durable "RealDoll", and the rude awakening came way too fast. The beauty of the model was gone too fast, because only the smallest first mistake had been allowed on these models.
Of course it hurts all the more when the realization had to ripen much too fast that one had mistakenly put on the wrong horse. To make matters worse, many manufacturers of TPE models consciously refrained from including a comprehensive manual or an adequate care manual for the TPE model that has just been purchased.
OK to the brain we can not look at this or that producer, but the company MECHTECH with your DreamDoll productions sends since production of the first model a comprehensive manual (DE / EN) to a purchased model to and only because we because we Explicitly, our "Exclusive Customers" wish to achieve longevity with our models. Because with proper handling, a Silkion model can in any case get older than 10 years, without that something seriously out of shape; which does not seem to be the case with thermoplastic Real Doll models! More on that later.
Here we only publish experience reports which have been brought to us by the Exclusive customers and should therefore be taken very seriously and because we feel obligated to enlighten our customers about the coming from China virtually Plasitk models! From this experience report (s), which were accessible to us in trustworthy direct conversations, we draw on our information presented here today, since you already suspect it now to be able to report.
Such exclusive customers who just for the reasons given here in the future deliberately just will not opt for a TPE model. The kind of. Exclusive customers that the company MECHTECH could win back with their DreamDoll productions for themselves and that was just the knowledge quality is the measure of all things and not cheap just employable quantity, which also usually can only come up with a remote support you have a bigger problem ...
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Our classic example below is about an acquired new TPE model from China, which a customer ordered and received directly from China. He told us the following:
01) The customer got the model, unpacked it, put it on the bed and was surprised once! It did not look like the pictures. For him the taile was absolutely thin, he could grab the waist with almost one hand, which was completely unnatural for him.
02) The customer got the model, unpacked it, put it on the bed and was surprised once that the hands are far too thin. The limbs of the fingers were extremely thin. Nevertheless, he noted that the wire should serve as a guide in the finger is much too rigid. He did not dare strain more than 1.5 kg (So Dogy style not possible and then if something breaks?). He noticed that a wire in his finger jumped out and broke.
03) He found that the fingernails and the eyelashes fell much too fast. An adequate adhesive he could only get conditionally (alone 50 euros for the shipping costs he would have to raise for it, so wrote him the producer).
04) He noticed that his head was wobbling. The head he had to find so receives its stability (here strength) only in the screwed end position; Nevertheless, he was lucky that the head was not too much from the center of the normal line of sight, because the head does not wobble only in the end position; You screw your head on the torso, so to speak, until it is firm. If then the direction is not right you have to live with it, a readjustment was not possible for him !.
05) He noted that the head is far too small for European proportions. That means normal wigs available here would not fit; He immediately saw that!
06) He noticed that the head was made with a pure powder made MakeUp!
07) He found that the eyebrows attached to the head were much too fast to dissolve or simply disappeared away!
08) He found out that his model in "sitting" generates a very strong crease in the pelvic area, which only disappears when the model is put down!
09) He realized that his model in the "vagina area" was not sealed! It penetrated water when he was his model shower / bath!
10) He found out that his model quickly attracts color from purchased clothes! Which could not be removed until today!
11) He found that his model did not hang up, as he was used to from silicone models ago!
12) He found that his model had a crack in the shoulder area. After consultation with the producer, it took a long time until he got help. You wrote him that he could buy a little TPE and incorporate this with a hair dryer in the model / model, which should close the crack. Which naturally went hand in hand with a surcharge for the required TPE and high delivery costs!
13) He found that the so-called stand version consisted only of 3 bolts in the foot that trigger on a plate fixing. Not uncommon at first glance, in the second glance it looks like a typical cheap way to bring a model to a halt.
14) He realized that the clothes had to be chosen with absolute care; He often bought too big clothes, you just do not see it to the model that it is Asian sizes that you have to orientate yourself! Painful learning process. It's already going to kids sizes, he said!
Silicone Vs TPE: What should one decide for, what is the right choice for a model purchase? Several questions arise before you want to buy a so-called RealDoll model a love doll.
The main problem is often that the used raw materials / raw materials of a model has two solutions ready for you. You see there, for example on one side the TPE and on the other side the silicone. But what are the advantages of these two materials? What's this? Before you start a comparison, we'll define the two elements in more detail:
Silicone is mainly composed of oxygen and silicon. It is mainly used in medicine, cosmetics and mechanics. It is a certified skin contact-friendly material (silicone). It is cast by cold-casting on a coated skeleton in a mold.
TPE (thermoplastic elastomers) are chemically widely networked space network molecules. The crosslinks can not be solved without decomposition of the material. TPE are materials in which elastic polymer chains are incorporated into thermoplastic material.
It has a high elasticity and a thermoplastic character (which is changed depending on the required heat insert). TPE is injected hot into the mold and onto the skeleton (so a model is baked).
Thus inevitably results in a significant difference in the materials; when you face TPE to the silicone! This is probably the most important aspect of our comparison. The two materials are as different as day and night! First of all, the TPE is not a silicone and has nothing in common with the obvious and latent properties and properties of platinum cross-linked silicones.
Silicone is clearly the more durable material. Alone by the molecular structure ago, since the existing polymers are incorporated only in a small form in the thermoplastic material or are present. Silicone consists of almost 100% platinium-crosslinked polymers, which unfortunately make their mark in the purchase of medical silicones. Silicone is poured cold (room temperature, not too cool) and does not foam when poured.
TPE is to be understood rather as a solid foam (similar to a sponge, with micro-pores), which is molded around the skeleton in a hot casting, giving a model a realistic look. The skeletons are made with multiple joints and look consistent. TPE, when acting with this material, has been given the distinction of being flexible. It should appear to be very comfortable with simple sex and first contact and first touch.
TPE vs Silicone Answers - Here! TPE vs Silicone Answers - Here!
Unfortunately, it tears far too easily, because by a direct, steady, firm push on the body, which inevitably occurs in tighter interactions, pressure from the shape of the TPE body on the skeleton forces the musculoskeletal system to fatigue the TPE material , This is done by micro (permanent small) movement of the doll alone, because TPE just because of the lack of stability of increased polymer molecular chains is already classified as fragile physically, tears the metal on the plastic skeleton, the attached TPE first. Which gradually continues because of course it can not repair itself.
These are the advantages of TPE For what quality should one set? In both cases there are many products that usually vary in their quality levels. The silicones are usually better, but there are also silicones with less resistant materials (which we explicitly do not use!), But overall the silicone we use is absolutely medically-clean, easy to clean, and most of all, it does not smell.
We are faced with the same problem as the TPE, the material base should be less expensive, so some manufacturers tend to reduce costs by opting for the cheaper TPE materials, and thus obviously (latently) for a lower quality Your products have "clearly" decided; as it mostly seems to be the case in China. However, a TPE is a "FAST" plastic (foamed plastic) not just known as environmental promoting material or classify, should you need to dispose of it once.
In general, TPE tends to be chaotic (at the molecular level), and cleaning is a bit more complicated and should not be neglected. It should not be missed that the putrefactive bacteria in the pores of the TPE can grow more easily; Imagine a sponge that gradually absorbs more and more moisture or impurities that is TPE (seen in the transferred / hygienic sense).
TPE lubricates silicones more frequently than silicon; Often, TPE has / develops an unpleasant odor contrary to all claims (please read customer's review).
DreamDoll: We use (guaranteed) the best surgical allergy-friendly medical silicones that we can buy for you on the world market. We offer e.g. Our RLS (Real Life Sensitive) option is available to our exclusive clients. This option offers the highest natural and comfortable grip (jiggly chest and buttocks technology) on the whole body of your model. We are constantly developing this natural softness with regard to the high longevity of our models. Only recently, with great success, have we newly developed our silicone alloy and incorporated it automatically into our production processes.
Our stated goal is to create the highest quality DreamDoll / RealDoll models with the longest life for our customers. This means that we have the best raw materials available to us in our productions, right up to the end of a production. Platinum-crosslinked silicone, although much more expensive than TPE, can claim all the benefits without any compromises.
Thus, silicone holds the better conditions also in the durability, longevity and manipulation ability; one of the most hoped-for properties / attributes that can make a tremendous purchase decision for anyone who has not yet been able to address the issue of "TPE or silicone". It's just better that a desired Real Doll model can have a long life and is easy to care for, always hygienic-clean and that does not let the beauty fade too quickly to ensure that the satisfaction with this love doll model is long maintained , These are the qualities that our customers often and often confirm.
Editorial Note, written by: